Three-book deal for The Dry

Three-book deal for The Dry

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Pan Macmillan has snapped up The Dry in a three-book deal from agent Clare Forster at Curtis Brown.

The deal followed a seven-way auction for the novel, involving every major publisher in Australia.

Jane said she was thrilled with the deal and that it would be a dream to see her novel come to life with Pan Macmillan.

"As a debut author, it's fantastic to have the opportunity to work with such an outstanding team," she said.

Pan Macmillan publishing director Cate Paterson said she was immediately hooked by the story.

"Jane's writing is assured and engrossing. She reveals just enough – but not too much – to keep you turning the pages, but doesn't sacrifice nuance or depth in doing so," she said.

Clare Forster said the manuscript had already attracted interest from publishers overseas.

"Winning the Victorian Premier's Literary Award Prize for an Unpublished Manuscript was a great start for Jane's novel The Dry, and it has been very exciting to see this book take off," she said.

The Dry will be published by Pan Macmillan in Australia in June 2016.

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